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Gulu District Receives 30 Tonnes of Relief Food from OPM

Gulu RDC Maj Okot Santo Lapolo

Gulu district through their Coronavirus taskforce have received 30 tonnes of relief food from the Office of the Prime Minister – OPM.

The donation includes; 20 tonnes of maize flour and 10 tonnes of beans.

A delivery note signed by Rose Nakabugo for Permanent Secretary OPM shows that the relief food is meant to support vulnerable households locked down by the Coronavirus disease pandemic.

Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, the Gulu District Chairperson while receiving the food said that the donation explained that the food will be distributed to 2000 most vulnerable households with each receiving 5 kilograms of beans and 10 kilograms of maize flour respectively.

Already the Gulu district Coronavirus taskforce has extended relief food support mobilized locally to over 5000 people out of the 500,000 population.

Santos Okot Lapolo, the Gulu Resident District Commissioner and head of the district Coronavirus taskforce said that they still need more support to rescue the suffering population who have been locked down by the Coronavirus pandemic.

More than 100 people reportedly flock the Gulu district administration offices daily seeking relief food.

People in Need Of Relief Food Gathered At The Compound of the RDCs Office
  • Copvid-19
  • food
  • OPM

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