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Few People Calling Red Cross Highway Ambulance

Ambulance Parked At Gulu Regional Referral Hospital

People are yet to start utilizing a free ambulance service being offered by the Red Cross to evacuate accident victims along the major highways in the region.

The class B ambulance acquired in October, 2020 and equipped with medical and emergency supplies is stationed at the Red Cross offices in Gulu.

The ambulance of part of ten ambulances procured at a tune of 9.3 Billion Million Shillings in the 2019/2020 financial year.

It’s meant to evacuate accident victims along the Gulu-Kampala highway, Gulu –Nimule highway, and Gulu-Kitgum road among others.

According to Morris Obira, the Red Cross emergency medical technician, since it’s launch in October last year, they have only received four calls despite numerous road accidents being reported along the major highways in the region.

Between the month of February and March 202, more than 10 serious and fatal road accidents have been registered in the region.

Six were registered along Gulu -Nimule highway, three along Gulu – Kampala highway and one along the Paloga -Kitgum road.

For any evacuation, one is expected to call these mobile phone numbers 0774-043024 and .

  • Ambulance
  • emergency
  • Highway
  • Moriis Obira-Medical Technician
  • Red Cross
  • utilizing
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