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Police Records 35 Deaths in Aswa Region Since Start of Lockdown

Uganda Police

Police have recorded up to 35 deaths in Aswa River Region since the start of national lockdown.

Statistics from the Aswa River Region Police headquarters in Gulu indicate the most common causes of the deaths include land wrangles; suicide, hit and run accidents, mob justice, drowning, lightning and domestic brawls.

The statistics further indicate that Omoro District recorded 7 deaths followed by Gulu, Pader and Nwoya with each recording 6, while Lamwo; Amuru Kitgum Districts each recorded 3 three deaths – the lowest in the region.

In a related development, a meeting of all District Police Commanders and Criminal Intelligence and Investigations Department in Acholi sub-region convened on Monday by Aswa Region Police Commander, Ezekiel Emitu recommended community policing programs to avert crime.

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