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HIV-Related Deaths among Young Children Declines in Uganda

In a sign of hope, the rate of HIV-related deaths among children between ages of 0- 14 years in Uganda fell by nearly half from 2010 to 2020, according to a new Ministry of Health study.

The study, published on Uganda Aids Commission (UAC) website, indicates that the annual Aids-Related Deaths among young people declined by nearly 80 percent in the last 10 years.

According to the report, in 2010, 17,000 Aids-related Deaths were recorded in the country.

That however declined in 2015, where 9,100 young people died from Aids-related complications.

The figures declined further in 2020, where 4,300 young people died from Aids-related illnesses.

The Ministry of Health noted that the high rate of Aids-related deaths has been averted due to the enrolment of hundreds of young people infected with the dreaded disease on HIV treatment- antiretroviral therapy (ART).

In total, in the last ten years alone, Uganda registered 30,400 Aids-related deaths among young people, between the ages of 0 and 14 years.

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