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Gulu, Kitgum Districts Return 150,000 Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines

Moses Otimong, the Gulu City Town Clerk receiving his second jab at Gulu Main Market

Gulu and Kitgum district health officials have returned a total of 153,220 doses of Astrazeneca and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to the Ministry of Health.

Gulu returned 108,220 doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccines while Kitgum returned 45,000 doses of Astrazeneca and Moderna vaccines.

Gulu received 166,586 doses of Moderna while Kitgum received 110,000 doses of Astrazeneca and Moderna early last month to boost the mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign launched in the region.

Yoweri Idiba, the Assistant Gulu District Health Officer told a quarterly performance review meeting on Expanded Programme on Immunization for Gulu district at the Gulu District Council Hall on Wednesday that a few people embraced the vaccines leaving them idle, yet they had a short shelf life.

The health ministry launched mass COVID-19 vaccination in Acholi sub-region late November targeting some 916,062 people.

This comes after both Gulu district and city registered a sharp rise in Coronavirus cases among the community.

Statistics indicate that 119 cases of Coronavirus have been registered in both Gulu District and City in five days.

Michael Cankara, the District Disease Surveillance Officer attributes the surge to failure by the community to adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Gulu district has registered a cumulative of 9,059 COVID-19 cases with 219 deaths since March last year.

  • 000 Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines
  • Kitgum Districts Return 150

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