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Day One Of PLE Marred By Delays

Primary seven candidates of St Luke Teo Olam in Nwoya district being briefed ahead of PLE.

The first day of the Primary Leaving Examinations -PLE in Some districts in Acholi Sub region were marred by delays of up to one hour.

In Nwoya district, reports say that the afternoon PLE paper of Social Studies started late in some schools due to delay verifying candidates and in serving lunch.

In Anaka primary school which has 104 candidates, the afternoon paper started at 2:25 pm instead of 2:00pm.

At Patira primary school with 162 candidates, the afternoon paper started 30 minutes late and at St Peters Bwobomanam with 68 candidates, the afternoon paper started at 2:35 pm.

Nwoya district education officer, Ayiba George Butele told Mega FM that the first day of exams started well with no serious issues registered.

A total of 2,277 candidates are sitting for PLE in Nwoya district.

In Lamwo district, examinations started late by an hour at two examination centers after two invigilators failed to show up.

The invigilators whose names were withheld were meant to invigilate exams at Padibe girls’ Primary school and Lalak primary school exams in Lokung sub-county.

Ben Washington Joro, the Lamwo District Inspector of Schools said the exams started an hour late after the invigilators were replaced.

Meanwhile, candidates of St Peter’s Primary school in Kalongo Town Council, Agago district were yesterday left in shock after their invigilator turned up drunk.

The invigilator identified as Samuel Odoo who was too drunk to supervise the exams reportedly lay down and floor of the examination room and started sleeping instead.

The 34-year-old teacher of Lamit Kweyo Primary School was handed to Kalongo police Station and replaced by another invigilator.

The officer in charge Kalongo police station, Richard Omona confirmed the arrest.

Meanwhile, an inmate at Gulu Central Prison who was registered as a special needs candidate for PLE at Gulu Prison Primary School because he was not speaking for the three years he spent in jail, is writing his exams as other candidates.

Opiyo Dominic who had not spoken for three years, started speaking this march immediately after his release on March 2, 2021.

The Headteacher Gulu Prison Primary School, Oywak Patrick said that UNEB had set a separate paper for Opiyo but that he was now doing his examination like other ordinary candidates.

Okello has been released from prison after serving his sentence and did not return for the exam. Nine inmates are sitting for PLE from Gulu Prison Primary School while one inmate who finished his sentence in December 2020 failed to turn up for the exams.

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