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13 Arrested In Gulu City Bars

Gulu deputy Resident City Commissioner-Francis Okello Rwot-Lonyo.

13 people were last night arrested in Gulu City during a raid on Koko bar and Password night club -all in Laroo Division.

The bar and night club were found operating in defiance of the presidential directive aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.

12 of those arrested were in Koko bar in Laroo-Pece Division while the 13th person is the director of Password night club where security found over 100 people dancing.

The Deputy Resident City commissioner-RCC, Francis Okello Rwot Lonyo who led the operation said that the suspects who are being held at Gulu central Police Station will be charged with committing action likely to spread an infectious disease.

Okello threatened to ban bars which will continue defying the presidential directives for bars and night clubs to remain closed.

  • 13 arrested
  • Gulu City bars
  • Koko bar
  • Odoki Francis Okell-Deputy Resident City COmmissioner
  • Password night club
  • presidential directive

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