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COVID-19 Coverage, News Round-Up

The water crisis in Kitgum municipality has affected several public places and individuals in implementing safe hand washing.

The Health Ministry, among its recommendation deemed safe for fighting the Coronavirus disease has advised locals to frequently wash their hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizers.

Many residents in Kitgum municipality, however, say inadequate water supply by National Water and Sewerage Corporation [NWSC] for the past one week has greatly affected hygiene practices.

Ivan Tekakwo, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation Northern region spokesperson say the inadequate water supply was due to malfunction of their generator.

Similarly, water shortage has also hit Otoro-Koma village in Pabbo Sub County, Amuru district as boreholes serving the village all dried up. Six boreholes were drilled the village.

Meanwhile, the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda has advised Ugandans to rely on time tested infection prevention methods of hand washing with water and soap other than depending on hand sanitisers, many of which are not certified.

According to pharmacists, for a hand sanitiser to be effective in preventing infection, it should have at least 50 percent alcohol.

In a related development, schools in parts of Kampala and Wakiso is devising means to virtually engage children following the premature closure of educational institutions in the wake of the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease-COVID-19.

At the time of the closure, the learners were just halfway into the term which started on February 4, 2020, and was due to end on May 1, 2020.

Many of the schools are now adopting digital platforms to engage their learners amid the uncertainty brought about by COVID-19.

They are using social media applications, emails and learning packages to engage the children during this time.

In the countryside, most of the schools purchased a number of take-home material from educational material service providers which were given to learners at cost.

In Kaberamaido district, Health Workers have abandoned the comfort of their offices to attend to patients open spaces under the trees.

The initiative comes as the country puts up different measures to prevent the spread of Corona Virus.

In Kamuliu district, 20 health workers were arrested for holding a workshop on Tuesday afternoon in disregard of a ban on public gatherings.

Meanwhile, the ban on public gatherings has taken a huge toll on several couples who had scheduled their weddings this season.

Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo, the Associate Team Leader of Watoto Church, says 12 couples have been affected.

  • covid 17
  • shortage of water

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