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Gulu NRM executive want RDC off daily party activities

National Resistance Movement executive members for Gulu district are accusing the office of the Resident District Commissioner-RDC of interfering with their daily activities.
During a joint meeting of the Municipal and district executive committee members held on 20th July 2016 at the ladder Restaurant in Gulu, the executives also accused the NRM party secretariat in Kampala of dealing directly with the office of the RDC while neglecting the party structure which they say has led to division.
Ocen James, the District NRM general secretary who was appointed as acting chairman after the resignation of Douglas Peter Okello said the RDC should distance himself from directly involving in party issues.
They also want an urgent meeting with President Yoweri Museveni pertaining the confusion in the party in Gulu district which has among many things led to the resignation of the former NRM chairman Okello and also seen his vice Atim Grace Oleyowiya contest in Omoro district on independent ticket for Woman MP.
However, Santo Okot Lapolo, the Gulu RDC denies interfering with NRM daily activities saying he is only promoting the NRM Manifesto like any other civil servant
Sam Engola, the NRM Northern Uganda vice-Chairperson said he is planning for a meeting with the president over the matter after meeting the Gulu executive last Wednesday.

  • NRM
  • Okao Douglas
  • RDC
  • Sam Engola
  • Santa Okot Lapolo

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